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Professional Certification

Delivering professional certification training

Product Vision

“We envision being the world leaders in professional certification training”


Problem Statement

As a consultant gaining work experience at ESG-API Career (EAC), I am trying to get professional certification whilst gaining work experience at EAC but EAC does not offer profession certification because they are not accredited as an organisation and have no certification trainer at EAC which makes me like

1.     My work experience programme is not as valuable

2.     Employers will overlook my application

3.     Less confident in my ability to secure a new role

4.     Less confident in my knowledge set

5.     Lack social proofing that a certification provides

6.     Less than my competitors


As a career transformation service provider, We are trying to offer candidates who are gaining work experience with the opportunity to get professional certification but currently we cant offer certification training because we are not accredited and trained to provide professional certification which makes –

1.     Our work experience programme less attractive to some potential consultants

2.     Affect our bottom line

3.     Ultimately, delivering less value to our work experience consultants


Product Value Proposition

For consultants who are gaining work experience for career transition / career transformation, Product Certification is a certification training product that provides professional certification across business, technology, data and investment industry. Unlike our competitors, our certification training programmes are augmented with work experience, personalised coaching, and career support.


OKR – Objective and Key Results


The key object of Product Certification is to empower people who are transitioning or transforming their careers with the right and relevant professional certification(s) to enhance their career journey and career transformation.


Key Results

1.     Product Goal 1 – Complete initial business analysis and consultant to determine the first professional certification offering

2.     Product Goal 2 – Raise initial investment to empower ESG-API Careers to offer its first professional certification offering

3.     Product Goal 3 – Complete training of first professional certification trainer at ESG-API Careers

4.     Product Goal 4 – Complete first professional certification training cohort at ESG-API Careers


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